November 16, 2011

God Who??

JESUS said, "I will never leave you.....".  Alright, reality check.  Do you seriously believe that?  Cos if you do, there would be many things that you do habitually that will not be "habitual" anymore. 

Do you know Jesus?  I mean REALLY know Him.  Not just knowing about Him , but really knowing Him just as you do a neighbour or a close friend.  Only difference here is, He has to be more than just your neighbour, not even just your close friend.  He has to be your All in all.     

Guess if this blog has anything that interest you at all, you must already have been a Christian.  But many do claimed they know Him, many even do associate themselves with Him, but how many really really know Him?  Have you ever invited Jesus for a conversation over a cup of coffee?  Or better still, as you're browsing through the mall, have you ever consider who He might want you to reach out to at that spot?  Honestly, most times our attention could very well be on that pretty red dress in the window and when the Lord nudge at us to go the other side, will we respond, hold on Lord, just a minute here or do we even sense that He is with us all the time?  Yes, even in crowd of mad window shoppers. 

In Heb 13:5 the Lord affirms that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  I'd like to camp on the 'never leave' part.  Ok forget even talking of forsaking.  Sure, we can bring ourselves to believe that God will never forsake us, but hey. He didn't start off by saying that.  Jesus said, "I will never leave you.....".  Alright, reality check.  Do you seriously believe that?  Cos if you do, there would be many things that you do habitually that will not be "habitual" anymore.  Come on, I would not be the same person I am if I'm around my boss compared to when I'm with my mom.  There are certain people or places that we do want to leave a good impression.  But if you're aware that someone is watching, someone of higher authority, someone you would want to please, would you walk out of the public washroom as you miss the aim and cause that paper towel to land on the floor beside the bin?  Would you mess up the table as you finish up your lunch at the cafe, thinking that those waitresses there are paid to clean up after you?  Or as you're about to turn the corner near your house and a motorcyclist suddenly appeared on your left and zoom past without even a blink?  Would the fruit of the Spirit - joy, peace, patience.... be evident at that moment?

We've heard it said many times that Christianity is not about religion but about relationship.  Its relationship with Jesus Christ who came, forsaking all His glory in Heaven and came down, taking upon Himself the form of lowly man.  What for?  So that we can be reconciled back to the Father.  That the relationship and the bonding that was once broken and lost could be bridged and we be united back to the Creator.  That we would no longer be alienated from the life of God and strangers to the covenant of promise but so that we who were far off is now being brought near.

I want to believe that after my children are all grown with kids of their own, and busyness of their own little world that I will not have to miss the joy of having them near, hearing their voices and laughter, sharing their dreams over the kitchen table.  Relationship, bonding, times together.  These are what families are made of.  And that's how our relationship with God is suppose to be.  Ask anyone at the nursing home how it feels to be away from the family and they'll have their stories to tell.  I don't want my kids to come to me only when they need something.  And I don't want them to come to me because they 'have to'.  I enjoy having them even when there's nothing to accomplish. 

And that's how my relationship with God is.  I enjoy coming to Him even when I don't have my shopping list with me.  And I believe that He enjoys having me too.

I love you Daddy.