November 24, 2011

Merry Christ-mas

I want Christmas to not just be a feeling, to not just be a reflection of the circumstance and the beautiful things we see around us, of course we are thankful for them as these are the reflections of God’s blessings.  But I’m talking about in places where there’s no food on the table, no presents under the tree, no parties, nothing.  How do we allow Christmas and Christ to penetrate through these settings? 

Happy Thanksgiving!!! This year is flying by... we are just weeks away from Christmas! I always love this time of the year.  Somehow people are tenderer towards each other, kindness can be felt and the sentiments seem to brush across like breeze everywhere. 

It’s also in times like these that we could get so caught up in the busy-ness of the hectic life, rushing here and there for reasons that we sometimes are unsure of.  Is there a destination we’re heading for, or are we just flowing along with the currents of the tides?  In the hustle and bustle of the season, it is good to take time to stop and reflect and give thanks.  Thanksgiving is not a holiday that we observe this side of earth (being in Asia) but the Bible did exhort us to always be giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Ephesians 5:20

It's so easy to get side-tracked but in reality we have so much to be thankful for. It’s such a blessing to have a beautiful family, a place to call home, the gift of music, and love and the comfort and salvation from our Savior.  Every year in our home during Christmas, it would a time to decorate and to put up the little touches of the season.  It does help to cozy up the place and sets the mood.  Christmas music can be heard throughout the days right up till January.  This year for some reason, we have decided to skip the routine.  Let’s see what happens without the garlands, without the tinsel and lights and those beautifully delicate baubles.  Does Christmas only exists in stuff, and in the absence of, there will be none?

The song ‘Where Are You Christmas?’ by Faith Hill triggered a thought.  Exactly where do we find Christmas?  No doubt it’s a festival everybody love despite of whether they know the reason or purpose of it, infact these days it has become so commercialize.  In the Christian circle we are occasionally prompted to consider the reason for the season.  But honestly how many really do ponder and appreciate the Gift that was given to us?  Not that we have forgotten or backslidden but I’m talking about that true genuine awareness, to be fully conscious of the impact of what God has done.  Minus the presents under the tree, the delicious spread over the table, the joy and laughter heard at parties, does the love of Christ reside within despite the absence of all these?  I have to be honest with myself that in the absence of all these somehow the ‘feeling’ of Christmas is not felt as much. 

I want Christmas to not just be a feeling, to not just be a reflection of the circumstance and the beautiful things we see around us, of course we are thankful for them as these are the reflections of God’s blessings.  But I’m talking about in places where there’s no food on the table, no presents under the tree, no parties, nothing.  How do we allow Christmas and Christ to penetrate through these settings? 

It’s the genuiness and the purity of knowing the love of God that is beyond human comprehension, unless we are granted to know, practically through experiencing it for ourselves, the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere understanding, as those without experience… Ephesians 3:19a.  And until then, Christmas will just be a feeling, a festival, a celebration, instead of an inward expression of gratefulness toward God and an outward communication of His love toward mankind.

Despite of how your Christmas looks like this year, I pray you’ll find Christ in your heart as you celebrate.

Merry Christmas to all.