November 28, 2011

The Desires of My Heart

If I believe that the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not be in want, and that He delights to grant me the desires of my heart, then why do I still struggle with unmet desires?

 Have you ever wanted something so badly your heart ached with each thought of it?  It seems life would be so much better if you had that.

Ok right.  Before we even roll on down that subject, please be very sure that deep within me, there does not exist the slightest doubt that Jesus has supplied all our needs according to his riches in glory Phillipians 4:19.  This is important because if I’m put into a situation of need, then there would be the endless pursuit of trying to seek to meet that need and the ceaseless questions of why God didn’t come through, which is at this point not a reasoning we want to get ourselves into.   I have long ago settled this in my mind that because He is my Shepherd, I shall not want Psalm 23:1.  This is not some kind of debate between my soul and spirit attesting to its own verity but more like an honest confession of reality.  I mean seriously, most times it would have to be the fact that not because the Lord has not supplied, but more like we have not attained to it in the physical.

The longing of the heart that would somehow result in more happiness.
More contentment.
More fulfillment.
More satisfaction.
More peace.

I can visualize myself pertaining to such a thing, a person, or an opportunity.  And undeniably it would be so much better.  So, why hasn’t it pierce through into the now realm?  This longing of my heart?

One word came to mind.  Qualification.  I imagine myself hearing God say:  “I need you to qualify”.  Not in a mean kind of way but more along the road to discovering maturity.  Think about kids.  If they were to be given anything at any time they asked for it, they will never learn to appreciate that gift, not to mention take time to find out how in turn that gift could be utilise as a blessing to someone who does not have it, perhaps to strengthen a feeble hand or put a smile on a tear stained face.   I would like to rationalise it the way a tempered glass container could hold a high energy liquid compound compared to a untempered container of the same volume that would have otherwise explode with the same.  Same size, yes; same volume capacity, yes; same material, yes; same ability, clearly not.  Reason:  because the latter was not brought to a proper consistency or hardness to enable it to uphold the material.

 I have to constantly remind myself that we are Kingdom citizens, that Abba Daddy is the Kingdom Ruler.  He cares for us personally but He also cares for us as part of a family, big family.  His family.  Everything that He ever thought about us is as part of a greater plan that affects the Family.  He doesn’t want to see us rush out with excitement to grab that toy under the tree on Christmas day and then the next moment tosses it into a trunk of unplayed toys.  Not that He couldn’t afford the waste, He could, afterall the earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness Psalm 24:1, but I believe He wouldn’t afford the waste of our spiritual stagnancy.  And just like that tempered glass, He need to be sure that our lifestyle, our character, our being is tempered by the everyday experiences of tears and joys which will eventually produce a proper consistency that will enable us to hold up to any sort of challenge, trials or encounters.  With that type of durability, we will be qualified to handle whatever talent, gift, ability, things or desires granted.  And whatever is placed into our hands would be like a tool placed into the hands of a master craftsman who knew exactly what to do in order to yield its fullest potential. 

 Don’t think of it as a struggle to gain but think of it as an ultimate achievement that once obtained will become a valuable treasure.  Whether it’s a relationship, an accomplishment, material things or spiritual advancement, it will require a shift in our mindset. 

So now are you ready to receive the desire of your heart?