January 11, 2011


EVERY hurdle is meant to be overcomed. Every obstacle is meant to be triumphed over. Every challenge meant to be conquered. The good news about this is that it has got nothing to do with our ability, our qualification or our status. It is about having a super God residing in a natural me. And together as we partner, we produce SUPER-NATURAL.


As the days slowly roll into the New Year, I take time to reflect on the good things that God has blessed us with all throughout the past year and beyond. Challenges are inevitable. Even in the sky, sometimes it pours and sometimes it shines. Nothing is as constant as 'change'.

Yet one thing is sure no matter the time, no matter the season. That God's Word remains the same. Every hurdle is meant to be overcomed. Every obstacle is meant to be triumphed over. Every challenge meant to be conquered. The good news about this is that it has got nothing to do with our ability, our qualification or our status. It is about having a super God residing in a natural me. And together as we partner, we produce SUPER-NATURAL.

I refuse to let my mindset get in the way. I refuse to let circumstances around me determine how my end will turn out. And I have decided that quitting is not an option. Not anymore. Because hindrance does not equal defeat. It is just momentarily. Yes, whatever it is, it has an expiration date. If we won't bow, we won't burn. Heb 12:1-3 exhort us to consider Jesus. It is because of the joy that was set before Him that He is able to endure the cross, despising the shame and now sat in glory.

If God's Word is true and that it is, it says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Not based on the fact before my eyes but based on the truth in His Word.

Continue to set your eyes on Him and upon all the promises that He said is yours. Renew your commitment. Take the step of faith to a higher level. Press in. Reach out and expect the unexpected. Dare to lay hold of God's best for your life this year.

Have a great year ahead.