November 28, 2011

The Desires of My Heart

If I believe that the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not be in want, and that He delights to grant me the desires of my heart, then why do I still struggle with unmet desires?

November 24, 2011

Merry Christ-mas

I want Christmas to not just be a feeling, to not just be a reflection of the circumstance and the beautiful things we see around us, of course we are thankful for them as these are the reflections of God’s blessings.  But I’m talking about in places where there’s no food on the table, no presents under the tree, no parties, nothing.  How do we allow Christmas and Christ to penetrate through these settings? 

November 16, 2011

God Who??

JESUS said, "I will never leave you.....".  Alright, reality check.  Do you seriously believe that?  Cos if you do, there would be many things that you do habitually that will not be "habitual" anymore.