February 26, 2013

Following The King

... I BELIEVED all of us can take comfort in this.  That the heroes in the Bible at one point in their life messed up as well.  And look what they have achieved.  When the dust finally settled, these still stood strong.  Messing up didn’t stop them from living for God.  

I woke up this morning staring into space.  Back in my mind I heard a voice reminding me that we are now entering into the third month after the dawning of the new year.  It seemed just yesterday.  Well every-thing and every-time seemed like yesterday.  The phrase ‘time flies’ has become such a cliché.  But how many of us are actually doing something about it?

Having arrived at this phase in my life (I referring to the age factor), one would have automatically assumed that age and maturity would have brought with it mellowness.  But often times, I do find myself having to go through the same re-enacted scene, even though it is obvious that I’ve been there and done that.  So why am I here again?

Life is a discipline that takes hard work (maybe I should use the word – initiative), creativity, and patience.  But even more than that, it takes the help of the Holy Spirit. Without Him leading my steps, and bringing me to the right perspective and destinations, I would be nothing—sort of like me staring blank into space.

Some days I’m booming with confident in the ability and potential that God has given me.  I’ll holler confessions that are aligned with His Word,  Amen-ing on top of my lungs confirming what He has already revealed and then charged out into the day with authority.

Other days, just like this morning there’ll be a nudge of inadequacy.  I find myself asking questions like, “Am I on course, am I moving towards my destiny according to God’s will and timing, am I doing everything I can to lay hold of what’s been assigned for me, am I being effective?”

I’m by no means condemning but questions like these got me thinking.  It kept me on track.  It kind of jerked me awake and said:  Hey stop!  Think.  Are you where you’re supposed to be, now?  And if not, why not!  Life is more than just about day to day approach.  Be mindful however that the time that has gone by is considered loss.  Yet I thank God for those remaining moments that are left, time that I can still redeem to do something about what I have not done.  Even though the clock is ticking, it is comforting to know that I can still brush myself off, get up and move on.

I believed all of us can take comfort in this.  That the heroes in the Bible at one point in their life messed up as well.  Our father of faith Abraham.  What about Moses and David?  Even Peter, the disciple of Jesus?  And look what they have achieved.  When the dust finally settled, these still stood strong.  Messing up didn’t stop them from living for God.  As the song goes… pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again.  

Falling down as a Christian is expectedly normal.  We are not any less of a Christian when we missed it.  Thank God that His love for us is not dependent on us walking straight and feeling right all the time.  God’s grace sustains us through our feelings of inadequacy. 

Micah 7:8 says, "Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.”

When I looked back on my journey, with all the hurts and bruises acquired along the way, I can definitely see God’s hand upon every path I took.  Sure, there were tears and disappointments, but there’s no lack of its share of laughter, joy, peace and hope. 

Psalms 66:12 says, You let men ride over our heads, we went through fire and water but you brought us to a place of abundance.

It is much like a game of chess.  God makes a move. I respond.  I make a move, God responds.  He is ever ready to lead us on.  Even after offering us the choice of life and death (Deuteronomy 30:19), He took a step further and unswervingly pointed out to us the better deal.  “Therefore choose life..!”

I guarantee that every success story is a story of overcoming failures, every hero has his own weaknesses, every battle won with its fair share of sacrifices.  But ultimately when I stand at the end of the line, and heard my name being called out, I look forward to walk out with head lifted high, hearing the crowd cheering me on.  Even in the midst of all that build-up of emotions, I know I’ll be glad that I have chosen to stay in God and stay with God.  It is much like the pangs of child birth.  When the baby comes into the world, every trace of hurt and tears would be forgotten because the joy of a new life overrides the pain of bringing forth. 

That’s what we are aiming for.  That’s what I am focussing on.  I pray that we can all say together with the Apostle Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day.” (2Timothy 4:7,8)

Whatever we are aiming to achieve either in this physical life or into eternity, we can rest in the fact that He is constantly behind the scene, working, churning and directing the course of our lives, working all things for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Afterall, this is what faith in God is all about.

Have a wonderful journey, my friend.