February 28, 2012

The Truth As It Is

“FATHER, how can I ever be good enough to convince others that You are a good God?  I know You are, but how can I make them believe that truth?" 
It’s the mission for every born again Christian who loved the Lord to realise that sometime in the course of their journey, their call would be to evangelize and share Christ with those outside the Kingdom.  This calling however was not specifically for the selected few, whom we thought ought to at least be a seasoned Christian, or one who would have appeared to have acquired vast Bible knowledge.  This is the responsibility of every believer irrespective of whether you are young or old. 

I have personally found this to be a challenge.  Isn’t this a job for the ministers of the gospel or for pastors only?  I mean where on earth would we normal folks find the confidence and the courage to talk about the wonders of God and the great plan of redemption that He has for mankind since the beginning of creation?  It is obvious that we, ordinary folks would require more tutoring and even some extra convincing than to be sent out to tutor. 

When I first found out about the Great Commission, I realise that it is a high call.  For years I could not imagine myself talking about God to others because of the sense of intimidation.  What would they think of me?  What would I say?  What if they have questions that I’m not ready to answer?  Somehow the assurance of telling them to ‘just trust God’ didn’t seem sufficient. 

If you have been in my shoes, you would understand the butterflies that go on in my stomach everytime I bumped into an opportunity that presents itself squarely in my face and the nudge of the Holy Spirit saying, “Go ahead, now is the time.”

I am far from being ‘seasoned’ in this area and I don’t believe I have arrived, because the truth is up till today there would still be encounters that will explode before me screaming:  Well if you can’t prove that God is good, why would I want to have anything to do with your Jesus?  I suck up enough oxygen that will sustain me for the minute long sentence and churn up the best possible evidence to present the truth that God loves the world so much that He gave.  I dug up the archives of my life in order to prove real life testimonies that God was and is still in the business of prospering His people.   

I would be lying if I say that I passed every case presented with flying colors.  Though not on the verge of giving up, I find myself scuttling back to Daddy’s lap with the tone of disappointment in my voice, asking, “Daddy, how can I ever be good enough to convince them that You are a good God?  I know You are, but how can I make them believe that truth?”    

In the gentlest way, I heard Him speak up on the inside of me.  He said, “I don’t need you to prove my goodness.  I only require you to make it known.  Let Me attest to My own Word.  I can do it.”  

That immediately felt like a load of weight just glided off my shoulders.  Of course!  He has not dump that responsibility on us and expects us to carry it out on our own.  Jesus said:  “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Mat 11:29,30). 

I understand now that the prophetic Word has the power to fulfil itself, and I am to take it and present it as it is and leave the rest to God.  He can do a much better work than I ever could.  That explains why He’s God and I’m not.  Duh!  And I’m so glad for that.

So the next time you’re presented with an opportunity to brag about your Heavenly Father, go on ahead and do it.  Then stand back and watch Him turn the impossible into the possibilities.